+ Mood
Is your child a worrier?
Are they down in the dumps?
You have come to the right place!

How We can help
We work with teachers and families to help children cope with their thoughts and feelings, both at home and school. We offer play therapy, helpful strategies for thoughts and feelings, and help with parenting skills. We show children helpful ways to relax so they can face their feelings head on!
Your child may:
- Feel sad often or get upset easily
- Withdraw from friends/family
- Have trouble sleeping
- Have lost interest in normal activities
- Have tense muscles
- Have frequent headaches or stomach aches
- Avoid certain social situations
- Have difficulty concentrating
- Have temper tantrums
- Have disruptive behaviour at school or home
Subsidies and rebates are available. Click to find out more.
Send us an enquiry or call 07 5441 7199 today!